Freedom. Nation. Progress.
Today, in the early 21st century, Russia is facing a systemic crisis. The economy based around the extraction of natural resources is collapsing, the dated Soviet infrastructure is decaying rapidly, semi-feudal bureaucratic clans and ethnic mafias are flourishing against the background of disintegrating social ties. These are not temporary difficulties, but a historical dead end, to which we were led by a centuries-old imperial, anti-national and anti-democratic public policy.
These problems are primarily connected with the absence of a Russian political nation and a Russian national democratic state, in place of which exists only a surrogate "multinational state" – nothing but meaningless fragment of the USSR. The current Russian state structure is doing all it can to stall the natural process of nation formation, quashing any political and economic initiatives of citizens. Within the established system Russians are deprived of political rights - they do not possess a national state they can call their own. Russian regions serve as donors to the ethnic nation-state entities within the Federation (primarily, the North Caucasus Republics). This unjust redistribution of wealth is rhetorically justified by the needs to preserve "territorial integrity", which is put before and above the welfare of the Russian people.
An incredibly rich resource base, a vast territory, strong historical and geographical ties with Europe - all this gives the Russian people a great opportunity for economic, social and cultural development. But any progress in Russia today faces a brick wall of state corruption and bureaucratic chaos. The only way we can create the conditions for the self-realization and productive interaction of citizens, the foundation of collective success is by forming a nation, developing self-management and eliminating bureaucratic barriers. Economic and social development needs to take into account the specifics of each of Russia’s divers regions, and it can be done only by granting the power to enact economic and social policy to the citizens, acting on their own interests and not on the will of the central administration.
We are convinced that the current course is leading Russia to a catastrophic crisis, which could result in a full territorial, economic and social disintegration of the country. A knot of intractable social problems, knit over the centuries, has now put the very existence of the Russian people at risk. Only coordinated measures, aimed at a fundamental reorganization of the Russian statehood and social life can provide a way out of this predicament.
The National Democratic Alliance aims to create a Russian democratic state, which will break cleanly away from the Eurasian imperial legacy, opting instead for a European cultural and civilizational identity, based on the ideas of freedom and progress. This purpose is inextricably tied with the formation of a Russian political nation as the carrier of sovereignty within the Russian state.
1. In nation-building:
- The formation of the seven Russian national republics of the Russian Federation, within approximate boundaries of the federal districts;
- Establishing the protection of the interests of the native population as the core purpose of the Russian republics, providing the republics extensive powers in the areas of law enforcement, economic, social and migration policy;
- Reestablishment of the Federation on the basis of a single equal federative agreement between the Russian and other national republics, the creation of a truly federal state;
- The acceptance by the new Federation of a successor state status to the Russian Democratic Federative Republic and the Russian Federation;
- Exclusion from participation in the new federal agreement of the national republics of North Caucasus (with the exception of Adygeya), curenntly included into the Russian Federation, with a preliminary reconsideration of the republican frontiers, inherited from the USSR as unhistorical;
- Reduction of the bureaucratic apparatus to a necessary minimum;
- Reduction of the privileges of the bureaucracy;
- Transference of the maximum possible amount of authority from the federal to the republican and regional levels.
2. In domestic policy:
- Establishment of a democratic electoral system of legislative and executive power at all levels of government, reinforcement of the local self-government;
- Establishment of a democratic electoral system of legislative and executive power at all levels of government, reinforcement of the local self-government;
- Uncompromising extension and protection of civil rights and liberties;
- Unconditional cancellation of all the political articles of the Criminal Code, beginning with Art. 282 and Art. 280;
- Minimization of the legal requirements for registration of political parties, allowance of regional and inter-regional political parties;
- Coherent secularism, the separation of the church from the state and of the state from the church;
- Reinforcement the role of the jury, the introduction of elections for the judicial and local law enforcement positions;
- Legalization of circulation, storage and carry of firearms for citizens over 21;
- Targeting improvements in the quality of life and education for children and the youth, making the quality of life of children and the youth a priority, replacing the current focus on quantitative indicators of birthrate;
- Transition to a professional army, the reduction of armed forces, transition to contracting of private actors to organize for military supply and construction, formation of a voluntary National Guard;
- Condemnation of the crimes of the Soviet and other communist regimes, conducting a policy of desovietization of the state and public life, lustration of active servants of the current neo-Soviet regime;
- Severe restriction of immigration from the Caucasus, Asia and Africa, a responsible approach to extending citizenship of the Federation, reconsideration of decisions on citizenship status granted by the Federation to persons born in the countries, specified above, if citizenship was granted in the period after December 8, 1991;
- Minimization of the requirements, necessary for acquiring citizenship of the Federation for the ethnic Russians, residing abroad;
- Simplification of entry and immigration requirements for citizens of EU and U.S.
3. In foreign policy:
- A complete cancellation of the foreign policy imitative of Soviet imperialism;
- Sustaining a course for consistent rapprochement and cooperation with the European Union and NATO;
- Condemnation of Soviet expansionism and establishment of good-neighbour, partner relations with the countries of Eastern Europe;
- The revocation of the senseless doctrine of "energy superpower" and a transition to the rational-egotistic policy of domestic issues priority;
- Cessation of support of totalitarian-communist and radical-Islamist regimes, forbidding the supply of arms to these countries;
- Termination of visa-free regimes with countries which are a source of illegal immigration and drug trafficking, strict control of problematic borders;
- Unilateral revision of several agreements concluded with China in the recent years and ivolving cession of Russian territory, as being contrary to national interests.
4. In Economic policy:
- Establishment of the rule of law and maintenance of property rights in all spheres of economic activity;
- Reduction of government intervention in enterprise, particularly in the innovative sector;
- Cancellation of subsidies targeted at particular companies, until an effective legal and democratic control over the public expenses is established;
- Reduction in the share of federal taxes in the tax base, expansion of the fiscal autonomy of the subjects of the Federation ;
- Support of inter-regional mobility, investment and trade;
- Replacement of the VAT and profit taxes with a single sales tax, to reduce bureaucracy and increase collection;
- Increase in tariffs on raw material exports to reduce the tax burden on the higher value-added enterprises of the industrial, service and innovation sectors;
- Rejection of protectionism in the low-tech industries;
- Simplification of legal procedures around foreign direct investment into Russia;
- The creation of offshore zones and free trade zones on the territory of the Federation;
- The maximum simplification of the procedures for purchases of property and rent of land for living, farming or organization of production.
Adopted at the Founding Conference of the National Democratic Alliance
March 13, 2010 in Moscow
March 13, 2010 in Moscow